These are the current members of Reference:
🇵🇹 A Mensagem
🇧🇪 Apache
🇪🇺 Are we Europe
🇪🇺 Arena for Journalism in Europe
🇷🇴 Átlátszó Erdély
🇭🇺 Átlátszó
🇬🇧 Bristol Cable
🇬🇧 Bureau of Investigative Journalism
🇪🇸 Civio
🇩🇪 Correctiv
🇨🇿 Denik Referendum
🇭🇺 Direkt36
🇫🇷 Disclose
🇵🇹 Divergente
🇮🇪 Dublin Inquirer
🇳🇱 Follow the Money
🇵🇹 Fumaça
🇬🇷 Inside Story
🇳🇱 Investico
🇪🇺 Investigate Europe
🇮🇹 Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI)
🇪🇸 Maldita
🇸🇮 Oštro
🇨🇭 Reflekt
🇬🇷 Reporters United